Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Galaxy Television – Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems



BUMPER BREAKFAST 17 December 2021 At Mitv Discussing Animal Right in Nigeria



Lagos Television – Animal Rights in Nigeria



Animal Abuse In Nigeria - Chiemeka Joseph Speaks











SOURCE: humaneglobalnetwork

Animals Need Your Help

 Animals Need Your Help

Have you ever seen animals on a slaughter truck? You can look away or you can come close and try to help.

Bearing witness is being present in the face of injustice and intervening. The animals want you to be present to tell their stories and to fight for animal liberation.

The Animal Save Movement bears witness to pigs, cows, chickens, fish and other animals slaughtered for their flesh. Our goal is to create a nonviolent, eco-vegan society.

Animal vigils bring you face to face with the animals and makes you see them for the individuals they are. The animal exploitation industry sees animals as commodities; by bearing witness and looking an animal in the eyes you can see their unique soul.

We use a non-violent, love-based approach to community organizing as a means of being the change we want to see in the world. The approach is inclusive and welcoming to all. Through our slaughter-free city campaigns we can shut down animal farms and slaughterhouses and transition them towards plant based food companies.

"When the suffering of another creature causes you to feel pain, do not submit to the initial desire to flee from the suffering one, but on the contrary, come closer, as close as you can to him who suffers, and try to help him."


We all have a duty to bear witness. As painful as it may seem to initiate or to join animal vigils at slaughterhouses, it is actually empowering when done as a group. The paradox was captured perfectly by Indian philosopher Vivekananda in the 19th century:

"But my heart has grown much, much larger, and I have learnt to feel [the suffering of others]”.


source: thesavemovement 

What to do if your dog is scared of loud noises


Recent research suggests that a fear of loud noises is very common in the dog population. In fact, almost half of dog owners reported their dog reacted to loud noises by showing signs of fear or anxiety. More research is needed in this area. But these findings are pretty worrying for the welfare of our dogs. It means that potentially five million dogs in the UK are worried by noises they hear.

Three loud and unpredictable noises dogs are most afraid of are:

  • fireworks
  • thunderstorms
  • gunshots.

Some dogs may show subtle signs they are scared. This might be being very clingy with you, their ears going back, not eating or taking treats as well as salivating or licking lips.

While others may try to clamber inside cupboards, hide under beds, run from room to room, tremble, shake or go to the toilet inside. When dogs hear loud noises outside, they can run away in panic. This could potentially be across roads or into other dangerous situations.

These noises that seem to come out of nowhere are incredibly distressing for your pooch. So, whether the signs are subtle or extreme, you need to help them to cope.

SOURCE: dogtrust

Why Veganism?


Going vegan for the animals

Going vegan is one of the best things you can do to help stop animal cruelty. By refusing to pay for animal products, you reduce the demand for them, which ensures fewer animals are bred to suffer and die on farms and in slaughterhouses.

Every year, around 1 billions animals are farmed and slaughtered for consumption in the UK alone – and this doesn’t include fish and marine animals. The vast majority of these animals will have been raised in intensive conditions, commonly known as factory farming.

On factory farms, animals are forced to reside in cramped conditions, often in windowless sheds where there is no natural sunlight, no grass and no fresh air. These conditions are breeding grounds for disease outbreaks, as well as injuries caused by living in such stressful conditions. Many of their natural instincts and needs are denied to them, all in the name of producing meat and dairy products as quickly and cheaply as possible. Due to this, many animals will die before they leave the farm, and for the rest, a bloody and brutal death at the slaughterhouse awaits.

source: animalaid

WATCH: An Animal Rights Tour of London


London is frequently ranked as one of the world’s top cities to visit, and it’s easy to understand why. With its history, architecture, museums, parks, and pubs, this capital city offers something for everyone.

Because travel opportunities are still limited for many, we’ve decided to bring this wonderfully vibrant city – home to PETA UK – to our supporters’ screens.

We take you to many of the city’s iconic landmarks, like the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament, and to some spots that you may not learn about unless you have the help of a trusted local. We also share with you some fascinating animal rights history, which is ripe in the city, and relive some pivotal PETA moments, too.

Are you ready for a fun and informative virtual walk? Let’s go!


Monday, June 19, 2023



HUMANE GLOBAL NETWORK is an organization run by a voluntary council of Animal Lovers whose aims are to educate children aged 5-18 to promote better understanding about the animal kingdom. The project is targeted at giving lectures/seminars to children and students in secondary schools on humane education. Video is also played for them to enhance their feeling that animals should be treated with respect and should not be abused. The project will also brainstorm the students creating an environment for answers and questions, project street walk, demonstration, youth protest and campaign.

1 To enhance public awareness of the abuses of animals in our society
2. To educate students and the public about a sense of moral responsibility towards animals
3. To campaign against all areas of animal abuse
4. To prevent animal exploitation
5. To promote plant based diets and animal welfare..
6. To promote environmental sustainability for the safety of animals and humans..

The project seminar is going to be 1 day set of intensive lectures on animal studies, after which a video on animals will be shown to them. The lecture is free but we also welcome donations and support to fund our campaign.

The HUMANE GLOBAL NETWORK runs a campaign/protest against all areas of animal abuse in order to promote a cruelty-free lifestyle. The project campaign will involve organizing a display on a public notice board, in local libraries or at schools, giving out leaflets to friends, family and taking a walk to any animal sanctuaries nearby like zoos.


  • Pepino Project, USA
  • World Animal Net Directory
  • Aquatic Animal Alliance, USA
  • Animal Advocacy Africa UK Research Participant.
  • Africa Network for Animal Welfare ANAW, Kenya
  • Animal Save Movement, Canada Nig Representative Lagos Animal Save.
  • Heart Network, USA
  • Humane Education Coalition, USA
  • West Africa Centre for the Protection of Animal Welfare, Ghana
  • Rwanda Animal Welfare Organization
  • Animal Care Council of Liberia
  • Animal in Modern History Coalition list
  • No More Agony for Children Ministry and Animal Welfare..

The HUMANE GLOBAL NETWORK welcomes members to join the Humane Club. Project membership is open to all students in secondary school. All students who are members of the club will have access to our T-shirt and cap, resource materials, DVD, magazines, a membership badge, stickers etc.

Please join the HUMANE GLOBAL NETWORK Youth Group today and let us fight animal cruelty in our society.
Please support us financially. We need computers, printers, cameras,  laptops, projectors, an office, a bus. etc.

Contact the Executive Director: Chiemeka Chiedozie

Tel. 08188918968  .

HUMANE GLOBAL NETWORK as an organization will run educational campaigns and volunteer operations to eliminate or reduce preventable suffering that animals go through, promote respect for animals, raise kind kids in Africa, awaken people’s interest for animals and also carry out activities that will contribute to habitat and environmental protection.

It is the vision of Humane Global Network to work towards achieving a world community where humans and animals will live harmoniously together. We develop a more humane community through education. We encompass all forms of education concerning community, environmental issues and the welfare of animals, recognizing the interdependence of all living things, utilizing value based education that develops sensitivity to all life, an appreciation of diversity and tolerance of difference which encourages children to become more emphatic and compassionate in order to learn to live with greater respect for everyone. We promote the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values related to human involvement in the lives of animals. Our education outreach programmes engages schools, camps and after school programme in a fun and exciting ways to learn about being compassionate. We do a lot of work with local schools, educating and encouraging an interest in conservation and the natural world.

Humane Global Network policy is based on the extensive scientific research which has revealed that animal have feeling and emotions and therefore feel pain and experience distress. Humane Global Network therefore look beyond the conservation of species to the welfare of individuals.

Humane Global Network has gotten a lot of popularity in Alimosho Lagos over the years. Humane Global Network has organised successful programmes like the Animal Exhibition Show , Animal Conference Show Animal Bill of Rights Actions etc.. Recently the Humane Global Network Director has been to Ghana on invitation to address the staff volunteers of the Society for the Animal Welfare Ghana, and has also been invited by the Liberia Animal Welfare Society and Animal Care Council of Liberia. The Humane Global Network is making a tremendous difference in the lives of many animals and people. Currently, The Humane Global Network is one of the organizations in Nigeria that has been providing humane education to the public. The need for education on animal welfare in Nigeria is pertinent. We believes that education is key to ending animal cruelty and creating a just and caring society where animal and human welfare matter. Education is a critical element in preparing a generation of animal lovers, increasing community responsiveness to animal welfare issues. Education also helps to tackle the inhumane treatment of animals at abattoirs, educate the general population on animal welfare, and to change attitudes and practices towards humane treatment of animals.

The Humane Global Network is a corporate organization that is supported purely by individual volunteers. Funding comes from friends, school proprietors, and animal welfare locally. The purpose of the Humane Global Network is to promote kindness to animals and educate the kids about animals in Africa. Animals concerned include farm animals and laboratory animals. Humane Global Network carries out its activities through individual personal effort and volunteering. Members play a crucial role day to day to ensure that the objectives of the organization are turned into realities. Through the activities of Humane Global Network most pupils in Lagos now know the existence of basic animal rights and also about the animal world. Also people who by superstitious belief have negative perceptions about how some of these animal behave are now appreciating the presence and importance of these animal in the ecosystem.


In the past years, Humane Global Network has been able to capture a lot of animal friendly welfare organization in the UK and AMERICA who understood our set goals and objectives. They have been there for us in terms of providing materials. Some of these organization are Animal Aid UK, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal PETA, International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW, Vegetarian International Voice for Animal VIVA, Animal Defender International and National Anti Vivisection Society. etc


2021-2025 Strategic Plan Launch at Michuki Memorial Park, in Nairobi, on June 23, 2021


2021-2025 Strategic Plan Launch at Michuki Memorial Park, in Nairobi, on June 23, 2021

West Ham make donations to 9 different animal welfare charities following the £250,000 fine they handed to Kurt Zouma over cat-kicking scandal

West Ham make donations to 9�different animal welfare charities following the �250,000 fine they handed to Kurt Zouma over cat-kicking scandal 

 West Ham have made donations to nine animal welfare charities following the club's fine handed to defender Kurt Zouma in the wake of his cat-kicking scandal. 

 Last month, the 27-year-old was seen kicking and hitting at his terrified cat in footage posted to Snapchat by his brother Yoan

Hammers boss David Moyes has continued to select Zouma, who alongside brother Yoan is facing the prospect of an RSPCA prosecution under the Animal Welfare Act.

 West Ham fined Zouma the maximum two weeks' wages, reported to be worth £250,000, and promised to donate the money to charitable causes

 A statement from the club on Friday said those payments have now been made.

 "A total of nine organisations, supporting the care and wellbeing of animals both in the United Kingdom and internationally, have been identified to receive significant payments which will go towards supporting the fantastic work they do," the statement read.

 "West Ham United would like to thank everyone who contacted the club to propose animal welfare charities and good causes, along with our supporters who have been involved in the process of identifying those who have received financial support, ensuring that a huge positive has come from something negative."

 Cats Protection, Celia Hammond Animal Trust, Hopefield Animal Sanctuary, National Animal Welfare Trust, People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, Pussycat Lodge Trust, Humane Society, International Fund Animal Welfare, and War Paws are the charities to which West Ham have donated

source Linda Ikeji


The 7th Africa Animal Welfare Conference - Action 2023


 Save The Date

The 7th Africa Animal Welfare Conference - Action 2023

When: 25-27 September 2023 (Arrival on 24th and Departure on 28th September 2023)


  • Physical - Sainte Famille Hotel, Kigali – Rwanda.
  • Virtual through a Zoom platform

Theme: Navigating the delicate balance of animal welfare, climate change and development: concerted actions towards a healthy and sustainable environment.

 The 7th Africa Animal Welfare Conference (AAWC) - Action 2023 will take place from 25th to 27th September 2023 at the Sainte Famille Hotel, Kigali – Rwanda. Registration is still ongoing. Click here to access the conference website and register

source  ANAW